In March, I return to the village to celebrate Tet in Kon Tum

When the scorching heat of March begins to spread over the upland fields, the Xe Dang people of the Xo Dra branch in Ngok Reo commune, Dak Ha district eagerly organize "Pê leh", also known as "Pê leh". "Village Tet" according to traditional customs, prays for good weather and wind so that people can prepare for a new, bountiful farming season.

Ms. Y Hoa and her husband prepare food to celebrate Tet in the village
Ms. Y Hoa and her husband prepare food to celebrate Tet in the village

This year, thanks to working hard all year round and having enough food and clothing, the young couple Y Hoa - A Tuan in Kon Jong village prepared to celebrate Tet in the village more decently and fully than usual. Early in the morning, Y Hoa took the opportunity to wake up early to soak sticky rice, grill bamboo-tube rice, etc. Wild vegetables such as H'lang and H'hminh leaves were also quickly cooked by her along with crushed rice. into traditional powdered porridge.

Meanwhile, Mr. A Tuan is in charge of preparing rat meat and grilled squirrel meat caught from the forest. There is also a dish of grilled fish dipped in spicy salt and crushed chili... to treat guests who visit the house.

Ms. Y Hoa said: Before celebrating Tet in the village, everyone in the village, each family, the women go to pick H'hminh leaves, H'nglang leaves, cut rattan,... and the men go to set traps. , look for meat from squirrels, mice, gills, etc. catch fish to cook and process into traditional dishes.

"Po leh" of the Xo Dră people is usually held by each family and village community, at the end of February and early March. This is a leisure time when people have finished clearing their fields and wait Waiting for the fields to dry to prepare for the new farming season. Men and young people in the village will take advantage of the opportunity to trap squirrels, mice, etc. and bring them back to dry as food for family storage. This is also an opportunity for relatives and friends from near and far to come together and have fun after a year of hard work.

Under the soaring communal roof, old man A Lat and the villagers are preparing all the procedures to hold the village ceremony. The old man said: Today our village is holding a village ceremony. According to traditional practices, every year the village celebrates Tet, gathers together in the communal house, makes food, plays gongs, dances and drinks wine. In addition to people in the village, people from neighboring villages are also invited to attend and have fun together.

Young women in the village are responsible for making bamboo-tube rice
Young women in the village are responsible for making bamboo-tube rice

After welcoming guests to the house, right at 12 noon, people continued to gather and gather in the communal house to organize as a village community. Depending on each household's conditions after a year of harvest, each family can prepare many tubes of bamboo rice and many traditional dishes besides a jar of wine that should be placed in the communal house.

“In addition to celebrating the New Year, we also wish each other good health, prosperous business, rice, noodles, good harvests, and good prices. In addition, it is also about preserving the cultural identity of the nation, so that our children and grandchildren will follow" - Gia A Lat added.

After the village elders hold a ceremony to pray for divine blessings, people take turns inviting each other to enjoy can wine and traditional dishes prepared by the family such as boiled rattan buds, grilled squirrel meat, powdered porridge, grilled stream fish. , sour ant salad,... the space became bustling and bustling with wishes for each other's health and a more prosperous farming season.

When the alcohol began to spread, the gongs also began to play, everyone held hands and danced around the communal house to the passionate rhythm, ignoring past troubles, wishing for a new year with good harvests. .

March - Festival season of ethnic minorities in the Central Highlands, so "Po leh" becomes even more meaningful in the spiritual and cultural life of the Xe Dang people of the Xo Dra branch.

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