Festival to celebrate the new Rong house of the Gie Trieng people in Kon Tum

Festival to celebrate the new Rong house of the Gie Trieng ethnic group in Dak Go village, Dak Kroong commune, Dak Glei district (Kon Tum) with the desire to pray for happiness, peace or a good harvest...

Festival to celebrate the new Rong house of the Gie Trieng people in Kon Tum
Festival to celebrate the new Rong house of the Gie Trieng people in Kon Tum

The celebration of the new Rong house of the Gie Trieng people in Kon Tum begins with very small tasks: Women go to the stream to catch fish, pick wild vegetables..., boys go to the forest to hunt for food. for the celebration of the new Rong house. The festive space to celebrate the new Rong house of the Gie Trieng people must always include a bamboo tree and then a buffalo. Young men with skillful and talented hands will be chosen by the village elders to go into the forest to cut trees to make offerings to Giang. Before leaving, the young man Gie Trieng had to go to the Rong's house to sleep for 3 days and 3 nights, then go down to the stream to wash and clean before going into the forest to cut down trees to make bamboo trees.

For the Kinh people, the buffalo is the beginning of their inheritance, but for the Gie Trieng people, the buffalo has even more meaning, it is a close friend, it is their sacred animal. Because the Gie Trieng people follow polytheism, the buffalo is a sacred object to worship Giang, a substitute for their lives to pray to the gods for a healthy village, so they love the buffalo very much. That's why, in the celebration of the new Rong house, the buffalo stabbing ceremony is indispensable.

A very special ritual before the buffalo stabbing ceremony is the "buffalo crying" ceremony. When the previous day's sun had set, the buffalo was tied to the tree trunk, and people in the village organized to play gongs and cry for the buffalo all night long. They thanked the buffalo for its hard work, sacrifice, and pain for them as a sacrifice to worship Giang, to pray for their villagers to be healthy and prosperous... After a night of playing the gong The gong dances and sings with the buffalo, laments with the buffalo, confides with the buffalo, begs the buffalo to help them... then comes the buffalo stabbing ceremony.

Before conducting the buffalo stabbing ceremony, the village elder will perform the ritual so that the buffalo becomes a sacred buffalo, becoming a sacrifice to Giang of the Gie Trieng people. They put colorful flower clusters into the buffalo horns. After the ceremony was completed, the people in the village cheered and the boys danced and beat gongs around the tree and the buffalo. The women dance together in simple but extremely lively rustic dances that demonstrate the productive labor movements of the Gie Trieng people, from weeding rice, sowing seeds, repelling pests that damage crops to The movements represent inviting guests to come play and have fun with them...

When the festival participants seemed to have a spiritual connection with the gods, they became sublime, the boys' gong beats became more and more exciting and bustling, and the girls also switched from the sinus dance to the extremely strong Bong rok dance. strong... According to the assignment of the village elder, a strong young man in the village held a spear to chase and stab the tied sacred buffalo. After a few symbolic spear stabs, the villagers took the buffalo to slaughter, and the buffalo meat was divided equally among all the villagers, everyone had a share for good luck.

When the Buffalo Stabbing Festival ends, everyone is invited to enter the Rong house, play gongs, dance the Bong rok dance, drink sacred wine... to celebrate the new village, new home, and an upcoming bumper harvest. next.

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