DakSeang Victory Relic

DakSeang Camp Relics is located to the East - South of DakDuc commune, DakRang village, DakDuc commune, Ngoc Hoi district, KonTum province; The East borders the rubber land of DucNong Farm, the West borders Ho Chi Minh Road, the North borders DakVai stream, the South borders DakSi stream.

DakSeang Camp was built by the United States in August 1966 and commanded by the US Special Forces, to occupy the northern part of KonTum province and the Vietnam-Laos border, located between two large bases, BenHet and DakPek. The entire DakSeang Camp was built into a square fortress with an area of ​​about 3,000 square meters, located on a low hill with relatively flat terrain between the two streams DakVai and DakSi in the Poko river branch; Around 500 to 700m or more, there are many high points and mountain peaks such as: 688, 702, 768, 1043... Especially the high points NgokEc, NgokCemPut, NgokSie.

Located north of the Camp is DakSeang airport with a length of 1,400m. This airport can allow C130 transport aircraft to fly and land to support the base easily. The force at the Camp has 3 guard companies, 132 soldiers in each company, three remote sensing platoons; a heavy gun unit with two 105mm cannons, 81mm mortars, two 106.7mm mortars, two DKZ 75s and many infantry weapons; a Psychological Warfare Department and a Command Board. The total number of troops at the camp is over 530 troops. To advise the Special Forces, the US Green Berets sent to this border camp a Special Forces A team consisting of three officers and 11 soldiers.

The system of fortifications and underground tunnels was built solidly, semi-submerged, semi-surfaced, surrounding the camp with 9 layers of barbed wire fences and anti-tank trenches surrounding it. Besides, the enemy also set up three remote defense posts for DakSeang: Nui Ec post, Nui Sie post, and Nui Put post. This base is responsible for organizing border reconnaissance and preventing infiltration, communication, and logistics of the revolution; Launch attacks to destroy and sabotage Vietnam's rear. Identify and destroy the revolutionary infrastructure (undercover). Take control of this entire area.

The cemetery records 54 heroic martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the DakSeang battles
The cemetery records 54 heroic martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the DakSeang battles

To carry out their tasks, in early 1970, the US and Puppet continued to promote "sweeping" and "holding", proposing the plan "Development Pacification" to bring the war for the people to an unprecedented scale. with fierce and cruel tactics, aggressively implementing the strategy of "Vietnamization of the war" throughout the South.

On our side, in the last week of February 1970, the Party Committee and Central Highlands Theater Command decided to open the DakSeang campaign, aiming to destroy an important part of the enemy force, promote the movement of destroying hamlets to win people, and train people. and improve the fighting capacity of the three armed forces, actively coordinating with the Southern battlefield. The main direction of the campaign is the Dak Seang, Dak To - Tan Canh, PleiKan areas by Regiments 66, 28 (major), 40 and two special forces battalions (20, 37).

In February 1970, the Dak Seang Campaign Forward Command was established including comrades: Vuong Tuan Kiet - Commander, Dang Vu Hiep - Political Commissar, Nguyen Duc Gia - Chief of Staff, La Ngoc Chau - Rear Chief. Can, Liu Quy Ngu - Political Commissar of Logistics.

The campaign to attack DakSeang was carried out by encircling and destroying reinforcements. The purpose was to choose to encircle Camp DakSeang on the morning of April 1, 1970. For nearly a month of siege, our troops fought fiercely at key points such as Nui Éc, NgokSie, NgokCempút and Camp DakSeang.

During 26 days and nights of fighting, the soldiers of the Ec Mountain campaign successfully completed their mission, killing 153 enemies, capturing 7, shooting down and destroying 15 aircraft, capturing 27 guns of all kinds and 6 soldiers. electric line. Along with the victory of the firepower of Company 13 (82mm mortar) and Company 12 (anti-aircraft machine gun) Regiment 28, controlled DakSeang airport for many days, killing 206 enemies, creating conditions for the campaign forces. develop and attack to win.

The victory of the Spring-Summer campaign in April 1970 against DakSeang had great political and military significance, dealing a fatal blow to the US imperialist plot to "Vietnamize the war" in the Northern Central Highlands. Encourage the fighting spirit of our soldiers, opening up new conditions for us to continuously encircle and attack the enemy.

After the defeat on the battlefield of the Central Highlands in particular and Kon Tum in general, in August 1970, the US - Wei decided to disband the Civilian Combat camps operating around the border area, including Camp Dak Seang. According to this plan, Civilian Combat units established by US Special Forces were recruited into Border Guard Ranger Battalions.

On November 30, 1970, DakSeang Camp was converted into the 90th Border Ranger Battalion (DakSeang, A-245, Kontum). The number of troops at this time is 431 soldiers, equal to the current number of troops at BenHet (PleiKàn).

In 1972, in response to the developments in the Route 9 Front - Southern Laos and to carry out the assigned tasks, the Party Committee of the Central Highlands Front Command issued a Resolution stating "Concentrate forces to launch a campaign to attack the enemy." In the Northern Central Highlands, the main direction is Dak To - Tan Canh to Kon Tum town. The Central Highlands Front Command determined: The Central Highlands was a strategic offensive direction in 1972, with the mission of "Destroying the enemy and solving the problem." liberate the Dak To - Tan Canh region, and if conditions permit, liberate KonTum town."

On March 30, 1972, the general strategic offensive across the region began. Honored, opened fire for the Spring - Summer campaign against Dak To - Tan Canh. On April 24, 1972, we completely liberated the Dak To - Tan Canh base; On October 13, 1972, we completely liberated Ben Het base (Plei Kan), Dak Seang base was isolated in the middle of our base area. After destroying the Plei Kan base, the 10th Division Command commanded the 66th Regiment to march south of KonTum town with the 95th Regiment to open a new front.

On October 23, 1972, the High Command instructed the Central Highlands Front to "organize the attack on DakSeang immediately, coordinate with the entire Southern battlefield to destroy the enemy, push them deeper into a losing position, and lose hope of winning the war." won the Paris Conference from a position of strength".

On the march south of Kon Tum town, the 66th Regiment received orders to turn north to destroy the Dak Seang base. The soldiers were determined to travel day and night, shorten the marching time from 7 days to 3 days, and immediately deploy to combat when they arrived at their positions.

On October 23, 1972, the B40 Artillery Regiment received orders to coordinate with the 66th Regiment until October 29, 1972 to open fire at Camp Dak Seang. In a short time, the Regiment had to mobilize 03 105mm guns, 01 155mm howitzer, 01 85mm howitzer, 01 160mm mortar and 15,000 artillery shells of all kinds from all directions to Dak Seang.

On the morning of October 25, 1972, the 155mm and 105mm artillery positions had completely occupied the battlefield and by evening the 160mm mortar had also taken over. At 10:00 a.m. on October 29, 1972, a 105mm gun of Company 5 (Battalion 41), direct fire and aiming, was deployed and waiting for orders to be ready for combat. The entire system of observatories, command posts, and communications has been smooth.

At 5:15 a.m. on October 30, 1972, the 155mm artillery field began firing the first series of bullets to hit the target. Dak Seang Fortress collapsed under the power of the 40th Regiment's artillery. Supported by artillery fire, Soldiers of Battalion 7 and Battalion 8 - Regiment 66 used directional mines to break through the barbed wire fence, open the door and then simultaneously rushed forward to attack. The battle took place in less than 30 minutes, our troops completely took control of the base, killed nearly 400 people, captured 43 people, collected 4 105 mm cannons, 1 106.7 mm mortar and the entire warehouse of vehicles in the area. base.

The Dak Seang victory on October 30, 1972 had great significance: opening the border, expanding the liberated area with tens of thousands of people. Created conditions for local soldiers, soldiers and people of H40 to surround Dak Pet Sub-region, liberating Dak Pet in 1974 and completely liberating Kon Tum province on March 16, 1975.

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