Dak Bla River, a shiny silk strip in the heart of Kon Tum city

When mentioning Kon Tum, visitors cannot help but mention the legendary Dak Bla river. If all rivers in the Central Highlands originate from the East Truong Son range and flow to the East Sea, then the Dak Bla stream follows the East Truong Son direction and flows to the West Truong Son. Because of this distinctive feature, Dak Bla has been affectionately called "the river that flows backwards" by the people here.

Sunset on Dak Bla River
Sunset on Dak Bla River

Through many ups and downs of history, the Dak Bla River is still fresh, charming, meandering and embracing the small, gentle city of Kon Tum on the cool green Highlands.

Poetic and charming features on the Dak Bla river
Poetic and charming features on the Dak Bla river

The gentle river of the Central Highlands gives visitors such an airy and peaceful space.

Floating on a dugout boat down the river, visitors not only have the opportunity to relax with the gentle flow of water but also have the opportunity to admire the poetic and romantic beauty of the landscape. Rolling mountains in the distance, sand dunes, rice fields, cornfields on both sides of the river and somewhere a glimpse of tall old bamboo clusters.

Images of children playing and bathing in the river, boys and girls confiding by the river of love, glimpses of working people carrying baskets of rice, corn in the fields, bamboo shoots, firewood, wood... in the forest to the village...

Dak Bla is the river of childhood, the river of youthful years and the place that preserves the most beautiful memories of people in Kon Tum.

Kon Klor suspension bridge
Kon Klor suspension bridge

The Kon Klor suspension bridge spanning the Dak Bla River, connecting the ancient village of the Ba Na people with the crowded and bustling streets of the city, is an important highlight and a must-see check-in point for young people.

Dugout boat on the Dak Bla river - a long-standing traditional culture of ethnic minorities here
Dugout boat on the Dak Bla river - a long-standing traditional culture of ethnic minorities here

Unlike the typical Basalt red soils of the Central Highlands, Dak Bla River has also deposited a large amount of alluvium in Kon Tum over the years, turning this place into a white sand plain.

This river is not only the pride of many generations, the nostalgia of people far away from home, but also a place to find the experiences of faraway travelers and a rich source of artistic inspiration, a subject eternal creativity of musicians, writers, poets or photographers who have the opportunity to return to this land.

The experience of SUP boating on the Dak Bla river is a new and attractive tourism product.
The experience of SUP boating on the Dak Bla river is a new and attractive tourism product.

Visitors coming to Kon Tum can give themselves moments of peace and relaxation by the river and immerse themselves in the clear, cool green river, letting the river carry away the worries and sorrows of life. Living for a living...makes our hearts feel lighter. There are many, many interesting and attractive things waiting for us and tourists from all over to come to Kon Tum to feel, explore and experience./.

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