How to get to Kon Tum attractions?

If you go to Kon Tum by motorbike, you don't need to worry about transportation to tourist attractions anymore.

So if you go by bus or plane, which way should you go?

Taxi, bus or something for convenience?

From the city center to travel to tourist attractions, there are 2 options for you, 1 is taxi and 2 is motorbike. Traveling by personal vehicle is always convenient, has autonomy in terms of time and will also save quite a bit of money.

If you are traveling in a group of people, you can rent a taxi to get to places in the city. If you go further, to save money, you should rent a car for a full day or go on a Kon Tum tour from a travel company.

If you are traveling to Kon Tum on your own and want to save more, take the bus.

From City. Kon Tum will have buses to inner-city districts such as Dak To, Tu Mo Rong, Kon Plong, Dak Ha, Kon Ray, Sa Thay, Ngoc Hoi and routes to City. Kon Tum comes to Pleiku, Gia Lai. The starting point will be Thai Hoa bus station, Nguyen Hue street (right opposite Tan Huong church).

How to get to Kon Tum attractions?

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