Mang Den tourism: 5 places not to be missed

What do you think when it comes to Kon Tum? Is it the sunny and windy red dirt roads, the typical tall communal houses, the bustling sound of gongs or the scent of coffee wafting in the wind?

That is also what most young people think before arriving at Mang Den - a small town in Kon Tum with mountains, trees and forest flowers all around. Although people call it Mang Den tourist area, actually, tourism here does not develop strongly, or develops in some silent and quiet way that it is difficult for you to notice. Just know that, in Mang Den, everything is rustic, simple and pristine, like Da Lat from decades ago.

Mang Den also has great religious significance for Catholics. This place has the famous Mother Mary, sacred and associated with mysterious stories.

Mang Den does not have many famous attractions, but if you know how to enjoy it, you will find this town strangely wonderful. Let's follow Vntrip to discover what Mang Den tourism has to offer!

1. Dak Ke Lake

Dak Ke Lake is one of the rare attractions in Mang Den, only about 1km from the main road. I wonder if you have ever heard the legend about the 7 lakes and 3 waterfalls of Kon Tum? Dak Ke Lake is one of the 7 lakes coming out of legend, the embodiment of gods in the sky.

Dak Ke Lake
Dak Ke Lake

Although the lake is being built around the lake for tourism, the scenery still retains its wildness. The lake's water surface is clear and blue, surrounded by long rows of green trees, a few tall stilt houses along with a small bridge across the lake, the scenery is extremely poetic.
Mountainous areas always have traditional stilt houses of the people, so around Dak Ke Lake there are also many houses of this type. The houses are built without any iron or steel bars or cement, mainly built only with wood and interwoven leaves, making the whole of Dak Ke Lake more rustic and simple.

At Dak Ke Lake, there are many types of entertainment services to help you entertain comfortably such as coffee, boating, water cycling, camping... more. In addition, if you visit Dak Ke Lake around January or February, you will have the opportunity to admire the rows of cherry blossoms surrounding the lake in full bloom, reflecting on the lake surface, as beautiful and romantic as Korean movies. .

2. Suspension bridge

Perhaps suspension bridges are one of the characteristic features of Mang Den in particular, and Kon Tum in general, because it is very difficult for you to find a bridge built with reinforced concrete as usual.

Suspension bridge
Suspension bridge

However, most of the suspension bridges in Mang Den are tiny, there are also clear regulations that motorbikes can only pass one at a time, and if walking, only less than 10 people are allowed. Looking at the old, rusty suspension bridge will sometimes make you scared the first time you go, but it's okay, after a few times you won't feel scared anymore. But remember to follow the bridge regulations, okay!

3. Pa Sy Waterfall

Still returning to the legendary story of 7 lakes and 3 waterfalls, Pa Sy waterfall is one of the 3 waterfalls mentioned in it, and is the largest waterfall in this land.

Taking your first steps into the tourist area, you will encounter a garden of wooden statues with hundreds of unique wooden works created by the talented hands of artisans. The wooden statues echo the daily life and culture of the ethnic people here, such as the statue of a mother carrying a child, the whole family drinking wine, going to the fields, weaving...

Pa Sy Waterfall
Pa Sy Waterfall

Stepping through the steps to reach Pa Sy waterfall, you will feel like you are lost in a fairy forest with a cool space, the sound of rustling leaves, chirping birds and the sound of the waterfall becoming clearer and clearer. . After walking a distance of about 500m, through the forest, down the bumpy stone steps, Pa Sy waterfall will appear gently and peacefully. Pa Sy Waterfall is not like other waterfalls in the Central Highlands (Dray Nur, Dray Sap...) which are divided into many different branches, but it has only one branch, surrounded by a whole array of green trees. .

In general, Pa Sy waterfall is the most developed tourist place in Mang Den, when each path is properly built and has clear signs. In addition, the surrounding area is also in the process of starting construction to create a complete eco-tourism area with restaurants, accommodation, and photo spots.

In addition, on the way to Pa Sy waterfall and back home, you should also take some time to explore the road with many abandoned villas located amidst the green pine forest.

4. Konbring Village

From the main road, just turn right downhill and you will feel a sense of peace. The small village road will take you through stilt houses, rice fields with yellow flowers, up to a very high hill. This is one of four community cultural tourism villages of Kon Plong district, with more than 90% of the Mo Nam ethnic group, making a living mainly from growing rice.

Konbring Village

Điều quý giá nhất ở ngôi làng này chính là những đứa trẻ. Ở đây, tụi nhỏ thích ngồi trước sân nhà, chơi dăm ba cái trò của tuổi thơ độ mười mấy năm về trước. Mấy đứa lớn hơn thì thích thả diều, chiều về là đứa đầu làng đạp xe đến rủ đứa cuối làng ra khoảng đất trống để cùng chơi. Ở đây, trẻ con chẳng biết smart phone là gì, chỉ biết núi rừng, hoa lá, cây cỏ là bạn thôi. Thi thoảng thấy một vài vị khách du lịch đến gần, ánh mắt tụi nhỏ sẽ trở nên rụt rè và có chút “sợ”, nhưng thật ra lại rất muốn trò chuyện cùng, vậy nên chỉ cần bạn ngỏ lời, tụi nó sẽ cười ngay.

5. Những con đường

Măng Đen nằm ở độ cao 1200m so với mực nước biển, là nơi mà mây trời gặp núi đồi. Vì vậy mà tất thảy con đường dọc theo Măng Đen đều là những con đường với núi non tầng tầng lớp lớp nối nhau, lọt thỏm giữa những rừng thông cao chót vót. Chạy dọc theo những con đường, thỉnh thoảng bạn lại có thể được tiếng róc rách của những khe suối chảy dọc dưới chân núi nữa.

Konbring Village

If you work hard to explore the roads, you will easily find high green hillsides, a place to look down on layered mountain valleys, lush trees covering the undulating hills in the distance, to lean against the trees. The pine trees are big and strong and breathe the sound of wonderful wild mountain air.

Mang Den is not just that simple, the cool, fresh climate, the green pine trees, the chilly breeze and the gentle scent of forest flowers and pine needles, there are many things that will surely make you fall in love. but passionate. If you are tired of the hustle and bustle and want to enjoy cool, fresh air, try Mang Den Travel once.

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